Holiday Party 2014

purple cat

As a new member, this was the first guild holiday party I’ve attended, and it was lots of fun. There was approximately a ton of food–we could have fed twice as many people. And it was all good!

From what I’ve heard, last year there were too many desserts, but this year it was the other way around, although I didn’t have much room for dessert anyway, after filling my plate with “savories.” (As the newsletter explained, a savory is any food that is not sweet.)

Holiday Potluck and Party – Dec 18th, 2014

pumpkinpie2 It’s Christmas time again and our 2014 Annual Christmas Party will be held on December 18th. As usual there will be a potluck and gift exchange. This year the potluck will be managed a little differently than in the past. The guild will provide the main dish of a couple of meat choices. All members need to bring a dish according to your first initial of your LAST name: A-G Sweet and H-Z Savory. (In case you are wondering, anything that isn’t sweet is savory.)
Please bring enough for at least 10 servings. (more…)